Friday, October 30, 2009


I don't know how fun Halloween is actually going to be this year. My parents won't be in town so I have been told that I am either going to church for a trunks and treats thing that we do or I have to stay home. I really don't want to stay home, but Trunks and Treats isn't much fun at my church because there aren't many kids around my age that attend my church. We have a youth group of about 5. They are all younger than me and one of them is my sister. I also just found out that I have to work this weekend. We were supposed to be shutting down the drive in after last weekend, but they decided to go one more week because of some business deal with a movie. This weekend should be our last, but I'm still not happy that I will be behind a concession stand selling popcorn on Halloween. I will probably get off pretty early, but that doesn't even matter because I'm not allowed to go anywhere. I will try to make the best of it, but I haven't figured out how that is possible yet.


So in Psychology we have a big project that is worth a lot of our grade for the semester. We have a lot of time to work on it and I honestly have no idea when we are supposed to be done. We each get to pick a different topic and research as much as we can about it. We then have to create a presentation about our topic and show it at the Psychology fair. My topic is going to be the human brain. Right now I'm thinking about discussing the different parts and functions of the brain. I told Jones about this and he gave me a good idea. He said I should make a jello brain and set it out in front of my presentation board. I could stick labels from the jello and have a model for everyone to look at. I thought it was a great idea, but I didn't know how to make a jello brain. Jones, the nice person that he is, got online and found a brain mold and bought it. It came in a couple of days ago and I had to carry down the hallway when the last bell rang. I thought I looked ridiculous. I was right. When I walked in the locker room I got many weird looks. Ginger stared at it and said, " that?" I think they were a little confused and creeped out. I haven't had time to try it out this week, but I have been ordered to make a brain this weekend. I won't let Jones down. I think I will even take a picture of it as proof.


I have neglected to do my spanish homework all week. I haven't really meant to. I just forget or run out of time. My spanish teacher is a really nice person and she understood how stressed out everyone was this week so I don't think she is gonna be too mad about our lack of work. She actually came up to me and asked if I was overwhelmed. I told her yes and explained to her ecerything I had to do this week. She told me that I shouldn't worry too much about it. I should get what I can done, but if I can't do it then it's not a big deal. It doesn't make a whole lot of difference in the big scheme of things.


This week has been really stressful. It seems like all of the teachers assigned more homework and had no sympathy for us. I'm not going to lie, the English projects really stressed me out. It was a lot due in one week and I'm not the kind of person who spreads out the work load. I try to do all of it a couple of days before. That didn't work out for me too well. I think next time I am going to have to work on it a little each day.
It's kind of obvious that I procrastinate. Right now I am furiously blogging because I need a few more in the month of October. I should really get on top of my procrastination issues. I'm just lucky that basketball practice didn't worry me all week. Last year that was what stressed me out the most. I think I'm less stressed about that because I'm a junior and actually know what I am doing unlike the years before.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I had to wake up at 8 Saturday morning. I was not a happy camper because I like to sleep in until at least 12 on Saturdays. But I didn't have a choice because I was going to a street weep for Beta Club at Apollo. It was freezing cold that morning and no one acted like they wanted to be there. We were given gloves and trash bags and were then sent down Tamarack to pick up trash. We started out trying to make it fun by singing and dancing, but that ended when Chassidy walked backwards into a puddle. She almost fell on her back. It was pretty funny. So we decided to split the street to make the work go by faster. Our side definitely won the battle of who could find the most interesting things. We were walking by a creepy house when we looked down and found two needles on the ground. We got excited because we knew that we had instantly won our trash battle. Two feet later we found rubbing alcohol. We started to get a little freaked out and were hoping that no one would come out of their house and attack us. It wasn't people that we had to worry about though. We should have been more concerned with canines. A huge dog with a bum leg, which did not hinder the running ability, came out from behind a car and glared at us. Chassidy took off and was halfway down the street by the time I looked up. Hope and I decided that running was a plausible decision. Unfortunately the dog also thought that running would be a good idea. He chased us for a while down the street. It was so scary, but we got in some good exercise. We had a lot of fun that day. I don't think many people can top our story of what happened to us when we tried to help out society.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Does Everything Happen For a Reason?

I don't really know if things happen for a reason anymore. Why do so many young people have to die? Is there really a point in that? I mean honestly, how does that make the world a better place? I don't think it does. These people had so many things going for them and so many people cared for them. Think about all of their friends and family that will have to grieve over it. They will never get to grow up or have a future. Their lives were cut short and it just doesn't seem fair. I don't think there is really a reason that it happened. I think it just does. We have no control and it happens randomly. There isn't a point to it.

And what about signs? Do things happen to grab your attention or are they merely coincidences. I have a hard time believing that everything can just be coincidental. I think I got a sign yesterday, but then again it could just be a coincidence. I honestly don't know. Life can be so confusing...


I feel like there is a depressed mood hovering over the whole school. I don't really understand why these things are happening. We have had so many car accidents recently. It just doesn't seem fair. It is really hard to watch everyone grieving. Some people are being so strong though. I can't believe certain people are even at school. They are dealing with this extremely well and I am so proud of them. Lunch is really sad too. I think everyone is just in a depressed mood right now. I know it will all be okay, but it is so hard to see their reactions. I don't know what to say or if I should even say anything.

It scares me so much because this could have been anyone. I am known for speeding a little too much and now I have realized that there is no reason for it. I don't speed anymore even if I am late for something. It just isn't worth the risk.

Be careful everyone. Please wear your seatbelts and stay safe.