Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog 14: Getting Closer

I think I am slowly starting to realize that graduation is getting closer and closer. I was driving home with my friend Mason and we began talking about how I don't manage my time well. He told me that I was gonna have trouble in college. As if realizing that we were actually going to be our own wasn't enough, we began talking about how we will most likely never talk to most of our fellow seniors after graduation. We will have to make new friends to rely on and it is very scary to think about. I am a social person. I can't survive without a bunch of people without me. I know it hasn't hit me that I will be leaving this school soon and when it does, the tears will start rolling.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog 13: Blackmail and Threats

I feel like my parents attempt to blackmail me all the time. They don't actually intend to do anything if I don't do what they want, they just use scare tactics to motivate me. They threaten to ground me or take something away if I don't get good enough grades or if I don't get something done in the time frame that they have given me. I wasn't allowed to go out with friends or even leave the house until I had completed all scholarship and college applications. That was a pain. But my friends also try to use these tactics in order to get what they want. I have had a friend tell me to do something and if I didn't, they would release information about me that didn't need to be known to my parents or a friend.

Blog 12: No Freedom

I don't think my mom quite understands that I am about to be an adult and be on my own. She has given me a little bit of freedom, but she hasn't realized that I need to be able to do things on my own and I need to know how to do it soon. I will graduate soon and be moving to a different city. I need to know how to get back and forth by myself if she plans om me visiting unless SHE plans on coming up to Western or Louisville and bringing me home every weekend. I don't think she would enjoy that so I really wish she would just let me go. All i want to do is take one day to visit Western on my own. Is that really that difficult? it isn't even that far. Hopefully she will lighten up soon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog 9: Write About a Character In Your Life

My best friend, who goes by the name of Destinee, is a smart, generous, and caring person. She is always there for me when I need her and knows exactly what to say, but more importantly, she knows what NOT to say. I appreciate having this person in my life because she is so sweet and would do anything to help a friend out. She is fun to be around because she is so spontaneous and carefree. This is one friend I know I will stay in touch with after I graduate.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cell Phone Etiquette

When I am with friends we are always on our phones texting because we like to stay connected. Teenagers are no longer capable of going more than 10 minutes without a phone in their possession. I think it is annoying when someone is constantly texting someone else because it makes me feel like I am not there or like I am less important. But I also believe that it is acceptable to answer a text every now and then while you are with a friend. It is hard to stay off your phone completely for a long period of time so answering messages is okay, but constant texting is just rude and annoying. It is disrespectful to the people you are with.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog 7: College Life

I am really excited about being a senior, but the path that my college friends are on is starting to scare me. They have returned to reality and are no longer flying high because they are "mature" and "grown-up". I knew it wouldn't be easy, but it seems to be quite hard from what I have heard. Some of my friends have decided that staying in Owensboro was their best choice, but remaining at home was not an option. I don't think I really understand why someone would put extra stress on his or herself when they could live at home for free where there is always the comfort of family. Moving into an apartment, although exciting, honestly boggles my mind. When you move in with friends, you never know what could happen. There could be a big fight and you are still stuck living with that person. One of my closest friends is coming to me with all of the issues that she has to work out, how she has two jobs, and how she is scared that she may not even be able to make ends meet. Although my college experience will be a completely different story than those that choose to stay at home, I am beginning to get a little uneasy about the whole being on my own thing.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog 6: A Time of Great Loss or Failure

Losing someone close to you is always hard to overcome. They may pass away or move, but both situations hurt you because that special person is no longer in your life every day. Losing my grandparents was a time of great loss for everyone in my family. Our daily routines began to change and my mom had a hard time grasping everything. Losing my closest friends was almost as hard for me personally. My best friend in high school moved away and now we never contact each other. I have no connection with her anymore and it is quite depressing.